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Add a New Data Source

There are two ways to add a new data source depending on where data is retrieved from:

  1. data source retrieved from a mySql database -> execute function createNewDBSource()
  2. data source retrieved from a local or remote file -> execute function createNewFileSource()

Executing one of the functions

will automatically:

  1. create a new file R/02-<datasource>.R that contains the function to extract the data: extract.<datasource>(),
  2. add a new entry for the source into the file R/00-databases.R,
  3. (only for mySql databases) create/update the .Renviron file that contains database credentials.

The Files R/02-<datasource>.R for different data sources may contain individual and extensive data preparations that can be adjusted manually. For details compare e.g. R/02-LiVES.R, and read the section Modify An Existing Data Source.

Specify the type of data and the data mapping

For both ways to add data sources (from database or from file), four mandatory parameters must be specified:

  • dataSourceName: (character) name of the new data source, something like “xyDBname”, “14CSea”, “CIMA”, “IntChron”, “LiVES”. The name of the source must be contained exactly as a column name in the mapping file.
  • datingType: (character) dating type for the database, e.g. “radiocarbon” or “expert”
  • coordType: (character) coordinate type of latitude and longitude columns, one of
    • “decimal degrees”, e.g. 40.446 or 79.982,
    • “degrees decimal minutes”, e.g. 40° 26.767' N or 79° 58.933' W,
    • “degrees minutes seconds”, e.g. 40° 26' 46'' N or 79° 58' 56'' W
  • mappingName: (character) name of the mapping without file extension, e.g. “IsoMemo”. The mapping (a .csv file) must be available under “inst/mapping/”.

Specify the data source

MySql database:

Here, database credentials <dbName>, <dbUser>, <dbPassword>, <dbHost>, <dbPort> and the <tableName> must be specified. The credentials are not to be stored on Github, they will not be stored in any file that will be uploaded to Github. The credentials are only needed for local development and for testing the database connection.

createNewDBSource(dataSourceName = <datasource>,
                  datingType = <datingType>,
                  coordType = <coordType>,
                  mappingName = <mappingName>,
                  dbName = <dbName>,
                  dbUser = <dbUser>,
                  dbPassword = <dbPassword>,
                  dbHost = <dbHost>,
                  dbPort = <dbPort>,
                  tableName = <tableName>)


Data can be loaded either

  • from a local file that must be stored in the inst/extdata' folder, or
  • from a remote file, the <remotePath> must be given, e.g. ""

Please set <location> = "local" in the first case, and <location> = "remote" in the second case.

Please, provide the <filename> with extension (only *.csv or *.xlsx are supported), e.g.  "data.csv", "14SEA_Full_Dataset_2017-01-29.xlsx"

Optionally, the following can be specified

  • for .xlsx files, a <sheetNumber> as integer value
  • for .csv files, <sep> for field separator character, and <dec> for the character used for decimal points
createNewFileSource(dataSourceName = <datasource>,
                    datingType = <datingType>,
                    coordType = <coordType>,
                    mappingName = <mappingName>,
                    fileName = <filename>,
                    locationType = <location>,
                    remotePath = <remotePath>,
                    sheetNumber = 1,
                    sep = ";",
                    dec = ",")

Modify an Existing Data Source

Data extraction for all data sources are defined in the files R/02-<datasource>.R. Within the function extract.<datasource>() you can retrieve data, modify values as you like. You only need to ensure these points:

  • (done automatically) the function name needs to be extract.<datasource>. <datasource> needs to match the entry name in the file R/00-databases.R
  • the function needs to have a single argument x. x holds all configuration from the entry in R/00-databases.R
  • the retrieved data needs to be a single data.frame. Assign this to the list element x$dat and return x
  • only variables in the data frame which are part of the mapping <mappingId> that must be available under inst/mapping/<mappingId>.csv and that is specified in R/00-databases.R will be processed.

A minimal example of the extract function looks like this

extract.testdb <- function(x) {
    dat <- mtcars # dummy dataset

    x$dat <- dat # assign data to list element x$dat

    x # return x

ETL process of the Data Sources

Test the ETL process

Run the following commands in R to install the package locally and run the extract function.

devtools::install() # install package locally
devtools::load_all() # load all functions from package

res <- etlTest()

Inspect the results in test. Data from the nth datasource will be in the element res[[n]]$dat

IMPORTANT: Only 5 rows will be processed during the test! If you want to process all data specify full = TRUE:

res <- etlTest(full = TRUE)

To test only the n-th datasource execute the function like this

res <- etlTest(databases()[n])

Results will be in the object res[[1]]$dat

Test the Code

Test your code by running



Code from the main branch will be automatically deployed to the production system on the MPI server (given successful devtools::check()) and will be on the main version of the API and App.

Respectively, code from the beta branch will be automatically deployed to the beta version of the API and App.

Access to Data

data is returned in JSON format

You can use the following parameters:

  • dbsource
  • category
  • field

Example call:,longitude

Helper endpoints

For the production api use /api instead of /testapi