Estimates spatio-temporal average model with (optional) random effects (GAMM /Generalized Additive Mixed Model)
Note regarding IndependentType = "categorical": This follows a one vs. all approach using logistic regression, which in the Bayesian case is performed using a Polya-Gamma latent variable during Gibbs-sampling (
center = c("Europe", "Pacific"),
IndependentType = "numeric",
Site = "",
DateType = "Interval",
dateUnc = "uniform",
independentUncertainty = "",
CoordType = "decimal degrees",
burnin = 500,
iter = 2000,
nChains = 1,
splineType = 1,
K = 25,
KT = 10,
Bayes = FALSE,
penalty = 1,
smoothConst = 1,
outlier = FALSE,
outlierValue = 4,
outlierD = FALSE,
outlierValueD = 4,
restriction = c(-90, 90, -180, 180),
sdVar = FALSE,
correctionPac = FALSE,
thinning = 2
- data
data.frame: data
- independent
character: name of independent variable
- Longitude
character: name of longitude variable
- Latitude
character: name of latitude variable
- DateOne
character: name of date variable 1 (lower interval point / mean / single point)
- DateTwo
character: name of date variable 2 (upper interval point / sd / )
- center
(character) center to shift data to, either "Europe" or "Pacific"
- IndependentType
character: type ("numeric" or "categorical") of independent variable
- Site
character: name of site variable (optional)
- DateType
character: one of "Interval", "Mean + 1 SD uncertainty" and "Single Point"
- dateUnc
character: one of "uniform", "normal", "point"
- independentUncertainty
character: uncertainty of independent variable in sd (optional)
- CoordType
character: type of longitude/latitude coordinates. One of "decimal degrees", "degrees minutes seconds" and "degrees decimal minutes"
- burnin
integer: number of burn-in iterations for Bayesian model (default = 500)
- iter
integer: number of iterations for Bayesian model (default = 2000)
- nChains
integer: number of chains for Bayesian model (default = 1)
- splineType
numeric: 1 for classical tprs, 2 for spherical spline
- K
integer: number of basis functions for sos (spline on a sphere)
- KT
integer: number of basis functions for tprs (thin plate regression spline)
- Bayes
boolean: Bayesian model TRUE/FALSE?
- penalty
numeric: 1 for constant extrapolation, 2 for linear extrapolation
- smoothConst
numeric: adjust smoothing parameter(>0) for Bayesian model (optional)
- outlier
boolean: outlier removal TRUE/FALSE
- outlierValue
numeric: if outlier removal is TRUE, threshold for removals in sd
- outlierD
boolean: data outlier removal TRUE/FALSE
- outlierValueD
numeric: if outlierD removal is TRUE, threshold for removals in sd
- restriction
numeric vector: spatially restricts model data 4 entries for latitude (min/max) and longitude(min/max)
- sdVar
boolean: variable standard deviation
- correctionPac
boolean: correction (data augmentation) for pacific centering
- thinning
numeric: mcmc thinning for bayesian models
if (FALSE) {
# load data
data <- readRDS(system.file("extData", "exampleData.Rds", package = "DSSM"))
# estimate model-map
map <- estimateMap3D(data = data, independent = "d13C", Longitude = "longitude",
Latitude = "latitude", DateOne = "dateLower", DateTwo = "dateUpper", Site = "site")
# Plot the map
plotMap3D(model = map, time = median(data$dateLower, na.rm = TRUE))