Plots difference or similarity map
Plots difference or similarity map
estType = "mean",
estQuantile = 0.95,
type = "similarity",
independent = "",
rangex = range(XPred$Longitude, na.rm = TRUE),
rangey = range(XPred$Latitude, na.rm = TRUE),
rangez = range(XPred$Est, na.rm = TRUE),
contourType = c("filled.contour", "contour"),
showModel = TRUE,
showScale = TRUE,
ncol = 10,
colors = "RdYlGn",
centerMap = "Europe",
reverseColors = FALSE,
terrestrial = 1,
grid = TRUE,
arrow = TRUE,
scale = TRUE,
simValues = NULL,
showValues = FALSE,
dataCenter = NULL,
RadiusBatch = NULL,
titleMain = TRUE,
titleScale = TRUE,
setAxisLabels = FALSE,
mainLabel = "",
yLabel = "Latitude",
xLabel = "Longitude",
scLabel = "",
northSize = 0.2,
scalSize = 0.1,
scaleX = 0,
scaleY = 0.1,
NorthX = 0.025,
NorthY = 0.925,
AxisSize = 1,
AxisLSize = 1,
pointDat = NULL
- XPred
return object of similarityMap or createDifferenceMap functions
- estType
one of "Mean", "SE" and "Quantile". defaults to "Mean"
- estQuantile
quantile (only applicable if estType = "Quantile")
- type
one of "similarity" or "difference" determining the type of map
- independent
name of independent variable shown in plot
- rangex
range of longitude values (x axis limits)
- rangey
range of latitude values (y axis limits)
- rangez
range of estimated values (z axis limits)
- contourType
one of "filled.contour" or "contour"
- showModel
show model
- showScale
show colour scale
- ncol
number of colors for estimates
- colors
color scheme of estimates from RColorBrewer. defaults to "RdYlGn"
- centerMap
center of map, one of "Europe" and "Pacific"
- reverseColors
inverse colour scheme
- terrestrial
show only estimates on land masses (1), oceans (-1) or all (0)
- grid
show coordinate grid TRUE/FALSE
- arrow
display north arrow TRUE/FALSE
- scale
display scale TRUE/FALSE
- simValues
if showValues: list of simulated values
- showValues
boolean show values in plot?
- dataCenter
data for batch estimation
- RadiusBatch
- titleMain
show main title
- titleScale
show scale title
- setAxisLabels
show axis/main/scale labels
- mainLabel
main label
- yLabel
y lab label
- xLabel
y lab label
- scLabel
scale lab labels
- northSize
size of north arrow
- scalSize
size of scale
- scaleX
scale x orientation
- scaleY
scale y orientation
- NorthX
north arrow x orientation
- NorthY
north arrow y orientation
- AxisSize
axis title font size
- AxisLSize
axis label font size
- pointDat
data frame of points to add to plot