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PlotR 24.12.0
Bug Fixes
- require most recent version of
which contains a fix for missing filenames of imported files (#47)
PlotR 24.04.0
New Features
- add pkgdown documentation via gh-actions
- add r-cmd check via gh-actions
- rm rgpt3 from remotes package
- Add Pandora drat Repo to .Rprofile
Bug Fixes
- Fix test in test-downAndUploadModel.R: remove year
PlotR 23.12.0
New Features
Import of models: display of “About” information that is associated to a selected Pandora Repository
PlotR 23.09.0
New Features
Import of models:
- option to import models from Pandora platform
PlotR 23.08.1
New Features
- New UI tab with AIC and BIC information on models + plots
PlotR 23.08.0
Bug Fixes
- fixes of “Predict Data” in the tab “Multible Predictions” (#40)
- fixing the update of the column choices when using uploaded data
- removing NA values for uploaded data
PlotR 23.05.2
New Features
- data export contains quantile columns, the value of the selected quantile was added to those column names (#2)
PlotR 23.05.1
New Features
- option to add bands between prediction uncertainty lines (#1)
PlotR 23.05.0
New Features
- adds a legend to the all-in-one plot (#3)
PlotR 23.03.4
- warning after modeling if the sample size is below 8 (#24)
PlotR 23.03.3
New Features
- option to load remote models from the github folder
of the respective repository
- if there is no internet connection remote models are taken from the models that were saved with the last deployed app version
- option to save only user inputs and data without the model output
- option to plot data before/without running the model
Bug fixes
- if the name of an uploaded plot already exists the name of the new plot is updated, thus rendering of plots is triggered correctly
PlotR 23.03.2
- tighten prior for sigma (#24)
PlotR 23.03.1
Bug fixes
- add remote package to enable gpt3 in the Import Data module
PlotR 23.01.2
New Features
- the Import Data module is now imported from the new package DataTools (#22, PR #23)
- additionally to file import, now import from URL or from Pandora Platform is possible
- all redundant code was removed
- use “file” as default source in Import Data
- now, sidebars are fixed with auto scroll in all tabs (iso-app #4)
PlotR 23.01.1
New Features
- show significant differences of the mean between a reference plot and one (or more) other plots (#19)
PlotR 22.12.1
- added placeholders to several select inputs as long as data is missing (#14)
- rename tab “File Upload(s)” to “File Import(s)” for more consistency with the placeholders
- tab “Style plot”: add numeric inputs to sliders for the plot ranges (#13)
PlotR 22.11.1
New Features
- button to export the plot in “Run Model” tab (#9) and in “Post Processing” tab
- in the “Run Model” tab:
- change the default value of “Select a file” to the last uploaded file (not the first upload) (#6)
- add a load button to load a selected file (#11)
- update the UI:
- remove right sidebar,
- integrate export buttons into main panel,
- in “Run model tab” load plot inputs directly above the plot view
Bug Fixes
- reset column selection and model parameters after selecting a new file (#6)
- transform columns to numeric columns when running a model (#8), all NA’s are removed automatically
- fix wrong default values for width and height when exporting a plot (#9, #10)
- fix
when fitting a model, error message is now forwarded correctly to a pop up (#9)
- fix import/upload of files with the same name (#11)