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Given renewal rates for different isotopic probes over time and normal distributions of isotopic values over time, resulting normal distributions of the isotopic probes are calculated.


computeResult(data, timeVars, boneVars = NULL, meanVar, sdVar, cor = 0.5)



A dataframe specifying the renewal rates of different probes for each time interval. The renewal rates should be between 0 and 100 (percentages). The dataframe should include a column specifying a time-index (e.g. 1, 2, 3, ...) as well as columns for the different bones. Furthermore, the dataframe should contain the mean and sd values for each time interval.


A character string specifying the name of the column indicating the time.


A vector of character strings indicating the relevant variables containing the renewal rates of bones and teeth.


A character string specifying the name of the column indicating the mean values of the isotopic probes over time.


A character string specifying the name of the column indicating the standard deviation of the isotopic probes over time.


The temporal correlation between neighbouring time points. Defaults to 0.5


A data.frame containing the resulting mean and standard deviation for each bone/tooth as well as the covariances.


testDat <- data.frame(
  t = 1:3,
  bone = c(100, 50, 0),
  mean = c(1, 3, 50),
  sd = c(1, 3, 50)
  data = testDat,
  timeVars = "t",
  boneVars = "bone",
  meanVar = "mean",
  sdVar = "sd"
#>          mean      sd
#> bone 1.999994 1.80277