Docker - container port is already allocated

In case the following error occurs

docker: Error response from daemon: driver failed <...> Bind for failed: port is already allocated.

One must stop the container that is still running. This can be done as follows:

1. Check which container is running with:

docker ps

that list all running containers and should generate a similiar output like:

 CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                                     COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS             PORTS                                       NAMES
 eddc62f0081d   ghcr.io/pandora-isomemo/osteo-bior:main   "Rscript -e OsteoBio…"   About an hour ago   Up About an hour>3838/tcp, :::3838->3838/tcp   confident_colden

2. Stop the container using the CONTAINER ID (here: eddc62f0081d)

docker stop <YOUR_CONTAINER_ID>

3. Remove the container using the CONTAINER ID.

docker rm <YOUR_CONTAINER_ID>`

4. Check if no container is running anymore.

docker ps

The table should be empty now. Try to run the container.